
Will scan and digitally restore your images (minimum 10) for $10 per photo.
- Will digitally repair cracks, tears, creases, or stains.
- Digitally correct discoloration due to aging, or brighten fading colors.
- Digitally remove “red eye”.
- Digitally crop photos with “busy” backgrounds to bring the focus back to the subject.
- Digitally lighten dark photos, and darken faded or “washed out” photos.
- Other non-intrusive digital repairs as necessary.
1) If you have a scanner, you can email me a digital copy of your photograph. Remember, the higher the resolution (dpi), the higher the quality of the results.
2) If you do not have access to a scanner, you can mail me the original photograph. I recommend using a hard mailer, with the photograph wrapped in non-acidic plastic, and mailing the photograph insured. I will return your photograph to you in the same condition, in an acid-free plastic archival sleeve (provided at an additional cost of $1). The original photograph—as well as your prints and compact disc—will be mailed insured in a hard mailer. |